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New Liberty Primitive Baptist Church

Ashland, Missouri

Rules of Decorum

July 26,1824


  1. All church meetings to be open and closed by prayer.

  2. The moderator and clerk shall be chosen by the church and continue or discontinue as the church may think proper.

  3. It shall me the duty of the moderator, first, to invite all members of sister churches who are in good standing at home to take seats with us in council; then to inquire for fellowship, if it be broken it shall be attended to as the church may think proper. Then, open the doors for the reception of members if thought necessary. Then to attend to the business of the day.

  4. In choosing a pastor, or deacon, receiving, or dismissing members the church shall be unanimous but in all other cases a majority vote shall govern.

  5. Any member wishing to speak shall rise from his seat and address the moderator and strictly attend to the subject under consideration without making any remarks on the slips, failures or imperfections of others.

  6. There shall be one member speak at a time who shall not be interrupted by any except the moderator provided he fills his office.

  7. No person shall speak on any one subject more than three times, unless he obtains leave from church.

  8. All motions made and seconded shall be attended to unless withdrawn by the person who made them. 

  9. The moderator shall have the same privilege as any other member but not to vote except the church be equally divided and then he may give the casting vote.

  10. We think it is the duty of the moderator to see that all things are done in decency and in order.

11. We think it is the duty of church members to attend church meetings.

12. We believe it is the duty to own each other as brethren, and that any other title or appellation is improper.

13. We think it is the duty of all members to fill their seats in time of communion.

14. These rules may be added to or amended as the church may think proper and any member violating them shall be reproved as the church may direct.



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